Picture of Lilian and her brother Arthur hugging

Swab for Skidmore

Swab for Skidmore

"Our daughter Lilian has severe aplastic anaemia. Since she was first diagnosed, she has undergone a course of treatments which meant a stem cell transplant was not on the cards and Lilian was in remission. However, in the last month this has now changed."

Craig and Victoria, Lilian’s parents, have watched their 8-year-old daughter undergo treatment for the last 5 years, but it has never broken Lilian’s spirit.

She loves to dance and play piano, and works hard at school: English and Maths are her favourite subjects.

She’s also an adoring sister to her younger brother Arthur, who she loves going on adventures and getting up to mischief with.

Lilian needs a stem cell transplant. Whilst she currently has a potential match, Craig, Victoria & Lilian’s family want to encourage more people to sign up to the stem cell register, to give hope to Lilian and others

“You never know when you or someone you love might need someone’s help!” Say Craig and Victoria.

Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.

Every 14 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer or disorder. You could be their lifesaver if you’re aged 17-55 and in generally good health.

Please sign up to be a stem cell donor. Not just for Lilian, but for millions around the world who need a stem cell transplant.

Register as a potential blood stem cell donor