Gemma Cuff lying on hospitl bed giving her donation

Join Gemma as a blood stem cell donor

Gemma's story

Mortgage advisory company, Gemstone, founder, Gemma Cuff, joined the blood stem cell donor register in November 2022 after seeing an article about rugby player Ethan Davies on social media.

Gemma had been meaning to register ever since someone close to her was diagnosed with blood cancer the year before, and reading Ethan’s story gave her the push she needed to request a swab kit.

Gemma Cuff

Just six weeks later Gemma received a call from DKMS to say that she was a potential match for someone. She then went through the process of being confirmed as a matching donor for the patient, and medical checks to confirm she was well enough to donate, and in February 2023 she donated her blood stem cells.

Gemma received a call last week to say that her patient needed her again, and all being well she will likely donate again in May.

Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver? Join the register now