Be a lifesaver!

Become a donor

Be a potential Lifesaver!

Every year more than 2,000 people in the UK are in need of a stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor. However, finding a matching donor is like finding a needle in a haystack.

This is exacerbated by just 7% of the UK population being registered as potential donors.

In 2017 there was a stem cell donor registry event at work; I swabbed my cheek and signed up, then thought nothing else of it. That was until the end of 2023 when I got a phone call to say I had been identified as a potential match for someone in need of a transplant. After some questions and a detailed blood test to check my tissue markers, it was confirmed that I was a good match. This was both exciting as I had the opportunity to help someone, but also slightly sobering knowing someone was in a position to need my help.

After a detailed health check to give me the all clear, I donated via Peripheral Blood Stem Cell donation (PBSC) . This is the most common method making up about 90% of donations. The process was super easy and only took a few hours, it looks a bit like dialysis: the blood is taken out of one arm, filtered to remove stem cells, and then it goes back into the other arm.

Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today!

After donation DKMS were able to give me some general details about the recipient, such as age range and country. Due to confidentiality rules donors and recipients must remain anonymous for two years, after which, if both agree, details can be shared. Until that time DKMS will provide updates on how the they are doing. It is a sobering thing to remember that the recipient is very ill, and may still not survive even with a transplant. However, being a part of this has helped increase the likelihood that they will recover and go on to live a long life.

Sign up and be a potential life saver!

Register as a potential blood stem cell donor