Family Story

Carys' journey: a joyful update

Young patient overcomes leukaemia relapse with a successful stem cell transplant.

Carys, a bright, outgoing child was first diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of six. After eight months of chemotherapy, Carys went into remission and enjoyed three years of normalcy.

However, in November 2023, Carys, by now10 years old, had a few abnormal blood test results during her monthly check up with her oncologist.

"It was a very stressful few weeks of waiting to have the results confirmed. It put a lot of pressure on our family. Once Carys’ relapse was confirmed, it almost came as a relief – it meant we could develop a plan. The doctors advised that her only option was a stem cell transplant," shared Carys' dad, Mark.

Thanks to the incredible support and efforts of the DKMS community, we are overjoyed to announce that Carys found her match and has successfully undergone her stem cell transplant.

Young patient at the hospital
Young patient at the hospital

A message from Carys' Dad

"Carys is doing mostly okay. We were in the hospital for about 9-10 weeks (I lost count!), and got out last Tuesday. But we’re back in again with… something. We're now waiting on test results to see what is happening with her kidneys and also to see if she has any viruses.

"But all in all, her progress has been good! The team is still very happy with how the transplant went. Right now, the issues are more about managing the side effects of the transplant.

"It’s been a long and challenging road, but seeing Carys’ resilience and strength gives us hope every day. She’s surrounded by her loved ones and our family dog, Omar, who never leaves her side."

Supporting others like Carys

Carys' recovery is ongoing, but her story is a testament to the power of community and hope. Your support can make a significant difference to families like Carys’. By registering as a potential stem cell donor or donating to support our cause, you could help us find matches for people living with blood cancer and blood disorders.

Thank you for being part of this journey.

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