Holding a registration event

Two Asian women swabbing at a dkms registration event

We work with friends and families of patients, local communities, and volunteers to hold events to inspire and encourage people to register as potential blood stem cell donors.

If so, we would love to hear from you!

Which type of drive?


Host a live event to encourage communities, neighbours, colleagues, or your own family and friends to become potential blood stem cell donors.

The actual registration process at the event will be quick and simple. Each person will be required to:

  • check that they are eligible to become a potential donor
  • complete a short consent form, and
  • use three cheek swabs.

Virtual drive

This is an alternative way to hold an event. We can set up a unique, personalised landing page where you, your colleagues, friends, etc., can register. Once registered, their swab kit will be sent directly to them. This option is great for communities, families, or groups that are spread out geographically.

Support from DKMS

We will support and guide you through holding an event. Our donor recruitment managers work with you every step of the way, providing training, materials, and ongoing help.

If you or someone you know is searching for a stem cell donor, contact us