DKMS Herts & Essex

Three DKMS volunteers at an event registration stall
Become a donor - save a life

The Herts & Essex Volunteering Hub is one of our newest hubs, started in September 2024 by Lesley Calder.

She says there is a need for many more donors and initially became involved in some awareness and donor drive activities for a patient. She saw how stressful it was for the family to have to go through this, with the additional worry of a donor not being found in time. She wanted to set up this hub to continue to increase the odds of potential matching donors already being registered at the point of need.

“I found out about stem cell donation in detail after being diagnosed with AML in 2019 and being told that I would need one! I was so lucky that my sister was the perfect match, fit enough and willing to be my donor. It gave my family and I such positivity to have that second chance ahead of us. I want as many others as possible to have that too. To add to that friends and family joined DKMS to become lifesavers in waiting after my treatment and this year I was with my son when he became the donor for someone in the US .”

Meet the team

Every volunteer at DKMS Herts & Essex Hub has their own story about why they joined, but they all share a strong passion to help. Their goal is to promote DKMS and find important matches for those in need.

Elderly white blond woman in a red sweatshirt
Lesley: Hub Lead

Loves to go on walking holidays. So far she’s ticked off West Highland Way in Scotland, Dingle Peninsula in Ireland , and, Northumbrian Coast, the Derbyshire and Yorkshire Peaks in England. Her big ambition is to walk from Lands End to John O’Groats …!

Middle aged white woman in a red sweatshirt
Daisy: Hub volunteer

Greatest achievement is still playing London's burning on the recorder 42 years after learning it. Oh, and my day job. A teenage psychotherapist; helping adolescent’s with their individual struggles.

Middle aged white woman in a red sweatshirt
Katy: Hub Volunteer

Katy is excited to be representing Team GB in the World Transplant Games in Germany in 2025, in that most athletic of events…. The Ball Throw!

David: Hub Volunteer

David says he once abseiled downtime side of a 100 foot viaduct, just to prove to himself that he could. He says it was great fun but next time he will take the stairs!

Help us increase the chances for patients across the UK and the world, to find a matching donor who has the potential to save their life. Be a lifesaver...become a potential blood stem cell donor.

If you're unable to join the register but would still like to help, get in touch below to find out about local volunteering opportunities and others ways to support DKMS.

Volunteer with us!
We have a number of volunteer roles available


Graphic showing age range of donors in the UK

Upcoming events

Watch out for details of our upcoming events.

Not able to join us on the day?

If you are unable to attend any of our events on the day, please register for a kit to be sent to your home or click 'Become a donor' at the top of the page.

Recent stories

Our patients and appeals need your help

By registering as a donor you could help someone like our patients below, who are each looking for their potential match, but there are many more.

Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.

Volunteer with us

The hub is on the lookout for volunteers. If you live or work in Herts, Essex or Cambs and would like to get involved, please contact us.

Contact us
Ian Corpuz
Volunteering Manager

Discover more about DKMS

Help us find more donors
Everyone who needs a blood stem cell transplant must find their potential donor. Can you help?