Every 20 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer, such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma.
DKMS provides patients with a second chance at life, working closely with their families from diagnosis to transplant and beyond. The donor journey begins with a swab of the cheek that takes two minutes and can be the action that leads to a lifesaving transplant.
Basic eligibility criteria to join the register
- aged between 17 (minimum age) – 55 (maximum age)
- in general good health
- Body Mass Index (BMI) under 40
- not already registered on another bone marrow registry - you only need to be on one:
- Anthony Nolan
- British Bone Marrow Registry (BBMR)
- Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry (WBMDR)
- UK resident at a permanent address for two years minimum
- haven’t recently requested a swab online from DKMS.
Health conditions you can register with
You can register if the following criteria apply to you:
- enlarged thyroid or underactive thyroid
- thyroid (hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis stable and symptom-free. NOT Graves’ disease
- iron-deficiency anaemia, if treatable with iron supplement
- hay fever, mild asthma, food allergy
- basalioma and cervical carcinoma in situ, if fully removed
- unipolar depression, mild depression, without any limitations in daily life; no previous manic episodes
- high blood pressure, stable and well-controlled.
Health conditions you cannot register with
You will not be able to register if you have any of the following conditions:
- severe heart, lung or kidney diseases
- severe illnesses of the central nervous system
- severe mental health conditions
- severe metabolic diseases
- addictions: alcohol, drugs, tablets
- severe tropical infectious diseases
- infectious diseases like HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, syphilis
- systemic autoimmune diseases or other severe chronic illnesses, e.g. Type 1 diabetes or rheumatism
- cancer, including being cancer-free, but having had cancer in the past
- diseases of the haematopoietic system (blood disorders).