Rufus smiling in front of a Christmas Tree

Rally for Rufus

Rufus' story

Rufus, seven, was first diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in 2017, after having continuous viral infections and then presenting with a petechial rash on his torso. Rufus tolerated three and half years of treatment and we celebrated the end in April 2020. Rufus was thriving.

Sadly, the relapse came in November 2021 and we have been told his best chance of survival is by having a stem cell transplant.

"You never know if you or someone you love will need this one day, we never thought we did until it happened to us."

Rufus is a typical boy, devoted to Fortnite - he knows it inside and out! He’s also an expert Lego builder and loves to use his imagination to create amazing things. He will spend hours drawing and colouring and creating huge colourful pictures for his family and friends. He adores dogs and all animals, he loves our sausage dog Boris to bits. When he grows up he wants to have three dogs!

He’s caring and thoughtful towards everyone he meets and always wishes to be generous and loving towards his friends and family. He has a world of adventures he wants to explore one day.

Rosie, Rufus’ mum says, “Please sign up to the stem cell register – there’s no cost or discomfort to you, a simple swab is all it takes. You could be the one who can save Rufus’ life. You can change the future for a whole family, in additional to a child who deserves a future. You never know if you or someone you love will need this one day, we never thought we did until it happened to us.”

Rufus and others in front of a Christmas tree.
Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver? Join the register now